Kevin O’Connell

Kevin O' Connell


As a partner in the company and the Residential Department manager, Kevin stays plenty busy doing what he’s good at: Solving problems. With close to 20 years in the residential construction industry, Kevin’s been helping customers and coworkers find solutions that work. He’s full of ideas about how to do things better, and relishes an unresolved challenge. A big part of Kevin’s motivation comes from a desire to help the people around him succeed. He’s a straight shooter who is good at helping people understand what’s needed, and why. Kevin invests time and effort into helping his team become better through personal input and education. His team of experts are really good at their jobs because of this. Even when he’s not at work, Kevin is usually busy trying to figure out better and more effective ways to live – from grilling steaks to running trails, he’s a guy you want to know!

    Pennsylvania Home Improvement Contractor License (HIC) # PA124258