Ask A Roofer: Is the Workmanship Warranty Transferrable?

Ask a Roofer | December 21, 2020  | By: John Esh

When looking to get a new roof installed, you should ask your roofing contractor what warranties come with the roof replacement service. Often, the material’s manufacturer will put a certain warranty length on the product itself, but what about the installation of the new roofing system? Joyland Roofing president, John Esh, discusses if the workmanship warranty can be transferred to the next owner(s).


A question we get asked a lot is, “Is your workmanship warranty transferable?”

The workmanship warranty is simply a matter of “are you guys going to cover something that goes wrong if your workmanship was at fault?” So, it’s a quality warranty, a quality guarantee.

The answer is yes. Our warranty goes with the structure, it goes with the building – and not necessarily the owner. It doesn’t matter if the property changes hand two, three, five times – our warranty stays with the building.

That’s really nice for you knowing that if I’m just buying the house or selling it, there’s value there in knowing that the roof is covered regardless of who owns it.

Longer Workmanship Warranties

Now, we do also have a Golden Pledge Warranty which is an extended warranty of 25 years for workmanship coverage. In that case, that’s the manufacturer actually putting their stamp of approval on our system saying, “Joyland Roofing did it right, and we cover any workmanship issues for 25 years.”

The Golden Pledge Warranty, specifically, is transferable once in that 25-year time period.

Get a Free Roofing Quote from Experts

At Joyland Roofing, we are a GAF Master Elite roofer. One of those benefits is that on many of our roof replacement estimates, we can offer the 25 year Golden Pledge Warranty from GAF, our shingle manufacturer.

Send us a text or call 717-459-3499 to take the first step to getting a new roof. You can also fill out a form to tell us more about your project.

We can’t wait to serve you!

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